Phi Kappa Phi Awards Summary
Phi Kappa Phi promotes academic excellence by funding many scholarships and grants. More than $1 million is awarded each biennium to outstanding members and chapters through the Society’s various award competitions.
This page lists of all Phi Kappa Phi awards available for you to apply to and win. Please check here often for updates on the different awards.

BYU College Awards
The BYU Phi Kappa Phi Executive Committee has authorized a College Award program to recognize academic excellence in Phi Kappa Phi members across the University. Each college is given between $600 and $1,800 dollars to award to Phi Kappa Phi members in their college. The college deans and Phi Kappa Phi college advisors determine the criteria for these awards. Click here for more details about the BYU College Awards.
Deadline: Check with your College Advisor (each winter semester)

Local BYU Scholarships
Undergraduate student Phi Kappa Phi members are eligible to apply to one of our two local BYU scholarships that cover full tuition for one semester. These scholarships are made available by the generous donations of Ruth E. Brasher and Carol A. Ellsworth. Click here for the Local BYU Scholarship application and more details.
Deadline: 15 February 2025

National Fellowship
(62 Distributed Annually)
Fifty-four fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each and two at $35,000 each are awarded to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Click here for the National Fellowship application and more details.
BYU Chapter Deadline: 15 February 2025

Dissertation Fellowship
(15 Distributed Annually)
Fifteen fellowships of $10,000 each are awarded annually to active members who are doctoral candidates and are completing dissertations. The fellowship supports students in the dissertation writing stage of doctoral study and is for 12 months of dissertation writing. Click here for the Dissertation Fellowship application and more details
Deadline: 30 November (each year)

Graduate Research Grant
(20 Distributed Annually)
Twenty grants of up to $1,500 are available to members attending graduate school to provide funding for research in support of career development opportunities, such as conducting or presenting research. Click here for the Graduate Research Grant application and more details.
Deadline: 30 November (each year)

Study Abroad Grant
(125 Distributed Annually)
One hundred twenty-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year to support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Applicants do not have to be Phi Kappa Phi members but must attend an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter. Click here for the Study Abroad Grant application and more details.
Deadline: 15 March (each year)

Pioneer Award
(50 Distributed Annually)
Pioneer Awards are designed to encourage and reward undergraduate members for developing the research, engagement and leadership skills necessary to become a successful scholar. Fifty $1,000 awards are distributed annually. Click here for the Pioneer Award application and more details.
Deadline: 1 June (each year)

Love of Learning Award
(200 Distributed Annually)
Two hundred awards, at $1,000 each, are distributed each year and help fund post-baccalaureate studies and career development including graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, travel related to teaching/studies, and more. Click here for the Love of Learning Award application and more details.
Deadline: 30 June (each year)

Literacy Grant
Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to provide funding to new and ongoing projects that reinforce part of the Society’s mission to engage the community of scholars in service to others. Click here for the Literacy Grant application and more details.
Deadline: 1 April (each year)

Scholar & Artist Awards
The Scholar Award recognizes excellence in teaching, research and public service, while the Artist Award recognizes the achievements of those who, in addition to their outstanding scholarship, have displayed talents in the broad realm of the arts—creative, graphic, performing, visual and/or fine arts. Click here for the Scholar & Artist Award application and more details
Deadline: 1 February (even numbered years)

Distinguished Service Award
This award honors an individual who has provided sustained, non-compensated volunteer service to others beyond the realm of academia. Click here for the Distinguished Service Award application and more details
Deadline: 1 February (even numbered years)
Excellence in Innovation Award

Awarded once per biennium, the $100,000 award recognizes colleges and universities for their achievements in finding powerful answers to important local, regional, national or global challenges. Click here for the Excellence in Innovation Award application and more details
Deadline: 15 December (odd numbered years)