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Executive Committee

PresidentStephen Bay
President-ElectNicole Bay
Student Vice PresidentTessa Haney
Student Vice PresidentAlex Peek
Student Vice PresidentJoshua Bishop
Past PresidentJanelle Macintosh
SecretaryMarianna Richardson
Grants and Awards CoordinatorCarolyn Andrews
Grants and Awards CoordinatorCynthia Johnson
HistorianGordon Daines
Membership CoordinatorJeff Belliston
Public RelationsMichael Goates
Student Council AdvisorStephen Bay
TreasurerJanelle Macintosh

College Advisors

David O. McKay School of EducationBryan Bowles
Family, Home, and Social SciencesMark Butler
Fine Arts & CommunicationsJared Pierce
HumanitiesNicole Bay & Stephen Bay
Harold B. Lee LibraryMichael Goates
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering & TechnologyKyle Rollins
J. Reuben Clark Law SchoolElizabeth Clark
Kennedy CenterJames Mayo
Life Sciencesvacant
Marriott School of BusinessMarianna Richardson
NursingMarie Prothero
Physical and Mathematical Sciencesvacant
Religious Educationvacant