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Admission to the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a the chapter in accordance with the bylaws of both the chapter and the national Society. Both require superior scholarship and good character.

  • Phi Kappa Phi is an honor society, not an honorary society or fraternity. Membership is earned; it is a true honor.
  • Meeting Phi Kappa Phi's criteria signifies excellence, which in turn, signifies distinction.
  • Members of Phi Kappa Phi should commit to give back to the scholarly community. BYU's chapter sponsors service activities to help members accomplish that end.
  • Because of their outstanding records, members of Phi Kappa Phi often are preferred candidates for grants, scholarships and fellowships from institutions where they may continue their education or do research. When they seek jobs, they find their Phi Kappa Phi membership is widely accepted as an indicator of academic ability and motivation.
  • Phi Kappa Phi, being interdisciplinary and thus drawing membership from all colleges, divisions, or departments within the academic institution, is a unifying force in education today. It is in a unique position to cultivate consciousness of relationships by bringing together individuals from a variety of disciplines. It promotes the intellectual life of the community.
  • The academic variety within the Society's membership acquaints initiates with many options if they are in the process of trying to decide upon a career.
  • Members are eligible for Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships
  • Active members receive Phi Kappa Phi Forum, enabling them to keep abreast of significant cultural, social and scientific issues.
  • Active members receive the Newsletter, enabling them to share in the national activities and programs of the Society and of its members.
  • Phi Kappa Phi insists upon high quality in the institutions to which it grants charters, e.g., strong faculties and ample libraries. It thus fulfills an obligation to assure its initiates that they are coming into a truly significant organization.
  • BYU's chapter of Phi Kappa Phi sponsors various events to help students succeed. These include, for example, application workshops for prospective graduate students.
  • Phi Kappa Phi provides for the association of kindred spirits--kindred in the sense of having integrity of character and the highest ideals, as well as an abiding love of learning.
Phi Kappa Phi banner on a podium