Future Activities
Distinguished Faculty Lecture
Join us for the 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Faculty Lecture!
Thursday, November 14, 2024, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
115 MCKB
Dr. Terisa Gabrielsen, associate professor from the BYU Department of Counseling, Psychology, and Special Education, will present this year's lecture. The title of Dr. Gabrielsen’s lecture is Autism: A Worldwide Problem or a Way to Solve World Problems?

About the Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Faculty Lecture: Each year, the BYU Associate Academic Vice President and the executive committee of the BYU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi select a recipient for the Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award. This award is announced during the Annual University Conference at the commencement of each academic year. The Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award recognizes contributions to student mentoring and community service. Recipients of this award demonstrate outstanding teaching and citizenship, exemplifying the honor society’s motto: “Let the love of learning rule humanity." The recipient of the Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award receives a cash award and is invited to provide the annual Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Faculty Lecture in November.