Meetings & Activities Skip to main content

Meetings & Activites

The BYU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi typically has the following activities each year:

  • Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Faculty Lecture. BYU chooses one faculty member annually for special recognition as the Phi Kappa Phi Lecturer. Phi Kappa Phi pays an honorarium and schedules the lecture. These lectures are typically given the first or second Thursday in November at 11:00 am.
  • Socials. At the beginning of each semester, an opening social is held, where members can gather, eat food, network, play games, and do other fun activities. It is a perfect way to get to know your fellow Phi Kappa Phi associates.
  • Professional Development Activities. At least once a semester, a professional development activity is held, which are designed to help you in your career goals. Past projects have included scholarship night, networking events, resume reviews, graduate school panels, and more.
  • Service Projects. Phi Kappa Phi partners with other service organizations to provide at least one or two service opportunities each semester. Examples include recent literacy projects in local elementary schools, Habitat for Humanity, and a refugee service project.
  • Annual Initiation Ceremony. New members of Phi Kappa Phi and their guests are invited to attend the Annual Initiation Ceremony. In addition to a light buffet dinner and a distinguished speaker, the chapter confers a number of honors to students, faculty, alumni, and friends of BYU.
A group of Phi Kappa Phi at a table